Bizia Cesarano

Bizia Cesarano was born in Naples in June 1994. As a child, she gradua- ted in law as a lawyer and showed a strong creative sense and a great passion for drawing that, in 2016, led her to approach with canvas and self-taught colors.

Her artistic career is closely linked to her introspective work and her per- sonal evolution. Through art she comes into contact with a part of her- self that otherwise could not emerge: it is the only way in which she can truly express what she feels. There are no limits, there are no mistakes, there are no masks.

From the explosions of colours to the disorderly markers, her decisive trait captures the eye of the observer, forcing him to contemplate with his own emotions and suggestions. Her works can meet with materials such as stones, paste and sand that, together with the decise brush strokes and vivid colors, allow a passionate vision of reality, in which we can see the soul of the artist, free from the bond with precise and fluid techniques in letting themselves be guided by intuition and emotions.

I always tell that I started to paint by chance and that always by chance my fifirst painting was a Vesuvio. I tell it, but it’s not true. I started painting because I couldn’t help it. And I painted a Vesuvio because I feel I belong to this city to the point of confusing myself with it and using it as a me- ans of understanding myself. So in every explosion I put what I could not express in words: that deep and hidden self that is in each of us, what represents us as we really are but that we end up not listening because it is not compatible with social conventions, with the aspirations of others or with what we are used to thinking is “right”.

This unconscious awareness took shape on the canvas, flooding it with color, giving it life and overhanging the rest.
I escaped from Naples because I felt cramped and when I returned I idealized it, using it to somatize my demons. But now I know that using my city as a tool has made me always look at it through another, loving and hating it according to my moods. I can’t do this anymore. Along with all its contradictions, Naples has an energy and authenticity that I have not perceived anywhere else and that make me feel alive every time I get lost in its streets. Here there is still a genuineness that does not fifit into the hasty rhythm of the rest of Europe. The frenzy is there, but it is the will to live. And it’s a feeling that I feel is worth looking beyond, stopping judging this city and instead trying to accept its merits and flaws as I do with those I really love. I see its beauty, I recognize its impact on my life and I want to start from it again, trying, in my small way, to be the change that I have always demanded from Naples.

Statement issued by the artist as part of the project “Human of Naples” by Vincenzo de Simone.


2022 • Creation of the graphic image of the adhesive livery of n. 10 “EAV srl” electric buses destined for the TPL of the Island of Procida during Procida capital of Culture 2022, Island of Procida (NA).

• International group show Neapolis II, curated by Fabio dell’Aversana, Complesso Monumentale Sant’Anna dei Lombardi, Napoli.

• Presentation of 11 sculptural works created for the fifinalists of the 67° edition of the literary prize Premio Napoli, commissioned by “Fondazione Premio Napoli”.

• Part of the project Seventeenth day of the Contemporary. Curated by AMACI.

• International group show Paste-up Festival, Villa Medusa, Bagnoli – Napoli.

• Live painting performance during Attacco d’arte poetico, Piazza Mercato, Napoli.

• Part of the project La Gente di Napoli – Humans of Naples, campaign by billboards in the ten municipalities of Naples. Curated by We Are Napoli and Vincenzo de Simone

• Live performance panting during Maggio al Petraio, Stairs of Petraio, Napoli.

• Group show NA4, curated by Giovanna Gigliello, Associazione culturale “Materyka”, Napoli.

2020 • Solo show Appartenenza, LaNovaCentral, Napoli.

2019/2020 • International group show Neapolis, curated by Fabio dell’Aversana, Salotto Culturale Treccani, Napoli.

• Solo show Espressione, Salone Margherita, Napoli.

• International group show XXVI Edizione di Arte a Palazzo, curated by Roberto Dudine and Azzurra Immediato, Palazzo Fantuzzi, Galleria Farini, Bologna.

• International group show, curated by Fondazione Amedeo Modigliani, Castel dell’Ovo, Napoli.

• Solo show On Fire, Teatro Cinema Delle Palme, Napoli.

• Solo show L’oro di Napoli, Hart, Napoli.

• Solo show L’oro di Napoli, Eres Design, Napoli.

2018 • Exhibition of the work Napoli all’alba, Hotel Royal Continental, Napoli.

2019 • Ongoing: PhD Candidate in Private Law University of Naples Federico II Thesis entitled “Urban regeneration. The role of art in the redevelopment of the territory”

2012 – 2017
• Law Degree with honors University of Naples Federico II Thesis entitled “Traffificking in Human Being“.

2007 – 2012
• High School Diploma Classical High School “Umberto I” 100/100

2021 • F. Cesarano, La Rigenerazione Urbana: le regole per una nuova bellezza. Tra gestione dei beni comuni e rivalutazione del territorio. (Urban Regeneration: the rules for a new beauty. Between management of common assets and revaluation of the territory). in Rivista di diritto delle arti e dello spettacolo (Journal of arts and entertainment law). 2021, n. 1, under publication.

2019 • Arte a palazzo, XXVI Collettiva di Arte Contemporanea Internazionale (Arte a palazzo, XXVI Collective of International Contemporary Art). Curated by Grazia Galdenzi and Roberto Dudine, Bologna.

Since 2022 • member of the register CREAV (Creatives for EAV – Ente Autonomo Volturno)

Since 2020
• board member of the association Misaotra, a non-profifit organisation, established with the aim of supporting volunteer projects in Madagascar.

Since 2020
• member of the association SIEDAS (Italian Society of Experts in Arts and Entertainment Law).

2019 • volunteer at the Carmelite Fathers mission in Marovoay, Madagascar, where she taught English and painting in the village high school.